Temperature vs. Heat

Temperature is a measure or indication of hotness or coldness.  Temperature is typically measured using the Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin temperature scales.

  Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin
Absolute Zero *   -273 0
Freezing Point of Water @ 1atm 32 0 273
Boiling Point of Water @ 1 atm 212 100 373

* Absolute Zero is the point at which the molecules have zero kinetic energy.  The molecules still have potential energy due to intermolecular forces.  Internal Energy is the sum of molecular kinetic energy and molecular potential energy.

Heat (Q) is a quantity of Energy that enters or leaves a system due to a temperature difference.  Heat is similar to work in that work is a quantity of energy that enters or leaves a system due to a force.  When heat enters a system the internal energy of the system increases.  When heat leaves a system the internal energy of the system decreases. 

NOTE: To say that an object has heat is incorrect!

To say an object has internal energy is correct!

Thermal Equilibrium happens when 2 or more objects come to the same temperature.