Heat Engines & Heat Pumps

A Heat Engine is a device that uses heat to perform work.  Some heat engines you may be familiar with are steam engines and car engines (internal combustion engines).  See the Otto Cycle here.

The efficiency of a heat engine is a measure of how much Input Heat leaves the engine as output Work.

Efficiency = Work Leaving Engine / Heat Entering Engine

e  = W / QH

If a heat engine was 100% efficient that would mean that all the Heat entering the engine would leave the engine as work.  If you can build such an engine you are sure to be a rich and famous individual!  (Bill Gates will be a pauper compared to you.) 

According to the law conservation of energy the amount of heat entering the engine, QH must equal the amount of work,W and heat, QL leaving the engine.

QH  = W + QL

e  = ( QH  - QL ) / QH



A Heat Pump is a device that is the reverse of a heat engine.  Refrigerators and air conditioners are two common types of heat pumps.