Specific Heat & Latent Heat

Temperature Change

Since temperature is a measure of a system's EInternal , a change in a system's temperature is an indication of  a change in the system's EInternal.

A change in  EInternal indicates that Energy has either left or entered the system, and this amount of energy that enters or leaves the system is called heat.

ΔEInternal = Heat = Q

Heat = (Specific Heat Capacity) · mass · ΔTemp

Q = c m ΔT

Phase Change

During a phase change (Solid Liquid or Liquid Gas) a system's EInternal changes but the system's temperature does NOT change.

Again a change in  EInternal indicates that Energy has either left or entered the system, and this amount of energy that enters or leaves the system is called heat.

ΔEInternal = Heat = Q

Heat = (Latent Heat) · mass

Q = L m