Mathematical Analysis Basics

After creating a graph that is linear (which may require a manipulation of your data) you will find an equation which describes the relationship between the variables that you have plotted.  The relationship may be a direct proportion (a straight line graph through the origin) or it may simply be a linear relationship which is not a direct proportion (a straight line graph that does not go through the origin).  Your mathematical analysis should have all the following elements.

  1. Slope Calculation
    This step must include the following three parts.  First show how you are going to calculate the slope.  Then show the values used to calculate the slope and finally show the result.  There are an infinite number of points on the line to choose from.  Do NOT use data points for your slope calculation!
  2. Linear Equation
    Start with the familiar math class formula for a line. y = m x + b  Using this generic math equation for a line create an equation that shows the relationship between the variables used in the experiment.


Example Mathematical Analysis shown below