Constant Acceleration Retake Test

In order to be eligible to retake the constant acceleration test you must do the following:

  1. You must meet with Mr. Bender outside of class for a discussion.  Bring your test and all your homework.  I get here around 7:15 in the morning and stay until 5 pm most days.
  2. You must do the following problems out of your book and turn them in to Mr. Bender.

        #30-32, 35-37, 39 ,43-51, 53-55, 58-60, 76, 80, 82, 84-86

Each problem must begin with the generic equation you are using.  The generic equation must then be turned into a specific equation for that particular situation by using numbers.  You may show as many or as few algebraic steps to reach a final answer.  Please put a box around your final answer. The 3 motion graphs must also be drawn for each problem as well.  The graphs can be qualitative.  All work must be neat and easy for me to read. 

See a sample problem from worksheet  3-10